Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Application For Social Security Benefits

You should apply for disability benefits as soon as you become disabled. It can take a long time to process an application for disability benefits (three to five months). To apply for disability benefits, please complete an application for Social Security Benefits and the Disability Report.

You can complete the Disability Report at You can also print the Disability Report, complete it and return it to your local Social Security office. The application will be processed faster if you collect the information required. Do not delay applying for benefits if you cannot get all of this information

For additional information go to


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that you're really doing a great job providing all this quality information for the disabled. You have a great blog, way to go! Thanks,


Lucky Lou said...

This is Perfect Timing! I can't believe the timing of finding this! I've been through 3 foot surgeries in the past year and I lost my job because I could not walk and perform at the required pace. I've been told to look into this and now that I have the information, I'll do just that! Thanks a bunch!