Wednesday, September 24, 2008


First, I would like to say that I have been blessed in so many ways that I feel very fortunate indeed. Each year I think about what I can do to improve myself and become a better person. I have always been passionate about helping people that are less fortunate than myself. I religiously donate money to a number of worthy causes during the year, help at the food bank or donate some food to the poor and consider my duty done.

But, I was presented an opportunity to start a blog and I thought WOW! What a FABULOUS idea! I can use the internet as a medium to distribute information to people with disabilities. The blog can impact so many people in a very positive way!

1 comment:

BeHappy said...

I think your blog is really great - I've always thought people with disabilities have it tough in all arenas .. let alone their families: & need the respect we all expect = we are all humans!! However there are so many uplifting stories - it is encouraging. It will be great to read others' comments - people with disabilities covers such a broad spectrum .. young - old, born with, developed, occurred by accident & all the ancillary debilitating symptoms or developments that occur - a great blog.